Point de Vue

By Alsacienne


A concept that has been much misused, even maligned, in the recent past...

yet it's a concept that we live with every day in my organization: from all manner of attire to a veritable babel of languages in the corridors to the diverse clients across the world that we deal with. Even our (American-catered) cafeteria has offerings to suit anyone's taste from African to Asian dishes.

Is it difficult to have 180 some nationalities live and work side-by-side? It can be challenging and, yes, it does require the ability to open up, accept different points of view, and hopefully, grow in the process. But the gains are terrific and I think I'm a better person for it.

Featured here is a slice of the farewell party for a much admired senior leader(she's the one with the red headdress). Just a small sample of what 'multicultural' can look like. :)

(sorry for the crappy resolution: I'm still learning to shot in manual without a flash! Any tips are welcome)

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