hello again

By admirer


of the church tower in the water of the Haven (harbour).
Early in the morning a blue sky and soon came so many butterflies on the purple and white buddleias, that some time ago emerged spontaneously at our drive up.
Now we sit on chairs in the midst of these and marvel on and on.
After some time I went down the hill to Karlshafen, to the harbour, to look how the swan couple is doing. It is washing time for them and the ducks swim around too.
I spot a blue dragonfly and get dizzy in trying to make photos. She is circling above the water and I guess she is eating little creatures flying.
The blip is the reflection near the swans.

The haiku:

Don't look in the mirrow now
See the marvels of nature develop
Chop and change

The proverb from the book:

The best mirror is an old friend.

I dreamt last time of old times far forgotten and was amazed that persons I did not know thatI had known were stark alive in it. This is nature, our nature, too.

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