
By CreativElla

Diagonal summers.

Having recently lived in 30-370C heat (and nothing less than) but then having had to return to the UK, to let's face it, what has not been the warmest nor brightest summer the nation has ever seen, but admittedly not its worst either, I would declare that today is one of, if not the first, day of what I'd call 'summer sunshine' for quite a number of weeks. So, unsurprisingly I welcome days such as this. The brightness and warmth that such summer sunshine brings is quite simply delightful. To celebrate this then, the photo chosen today is to hopefully achieve exactly that. It is to celebrate that, if only occasionally, the UK can deliver some stunning summer sunshine days, and for those, I am grateful. Due to the infrequency of them though and indeed the unpredictability of them, I thought it only appropriate to have a photograph with a twist, or rather with a diagonal! It's certainly not a 'normal' viewpoint of the British coast to naturally see it diagonally, but then surely neither is the extreme and purely random mix of the British weather once places on a global standard?!

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