
By Chiara

Home sweet Chicago

There's a hidden beach near the film building. Melissa told me about it a long time ago, but I didn't try to find it until today. It's a gorgeous day, and there's no better place than the beach, especially for taking pictures.

Well, I walked around Museum Park for an hour, attempting to find the pathway to the beach. By the time I found it, I already had to go to my next class, so I turned around and left. I didn't actually go to the beach, as the pathway is long and twisty, but at least I know how to get there. Next time I have a bike and some time to kill, you'll be able to find out what the 12th Street beach looks like!

I finally finished my 2-minute film today. The film's all edited, the sounds are all mixed, and it's all ready to go. However, I'm not crazy about it. I think it's horrible. But then again, I'm my own worst critic. The class will be the judge. Let's hope they'll be easy on me, ha.

Okay, get this. There are currently about 250 students in Production II. Most of them need to edit their films at school, so I'm guessing that about 200 students in Production II alone, including me, frequent the editing lab this semester. This is how you check in: you walk in, give them your 3-digit number (which they assigned to you in the beginning of the semester), and they hand you your firewire drive . There are maybe 8 people who work there. I see a couple of them a lot, but the rest, I've seen them once or twice at most.

With all that said, don't you find it strange that every single time I walk in, the person behind the counter, regardless of who it is, immediately fetches my firewire drive without me having to tell them which one it is? For example, today a guy I had never seen before in my life said, "Hi! 222, right?" as soon as I came in.

Don't get me wrong; they're very, very nice people and I'm flattered that they remember my firewire drive number so well, but isn't it strange that everyone there seems to know me, even if I haven't met some of them before? I also noticed the same trend at the film cage (film equipment rental center), but at least I know some people who work there.

I wonder if there's a sign somewhere with my picture and all my information. Maybe I'm notorious, or maybe someone in the lab liked me so much that he/she made my existence known to all. Or it could be simply because my number's so easy to remember. Whatever it is, it's still strange, but I'm not complaining!

P.S. Can you find the Sears tower, the Trump tower, and the John Hancock tower?

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