Emily's Birthday

Today was Emily's birthday. She is six. I know how many six is - five fingers on one hand, and one on the other. Emily's daddy is my mummy's big cousin. We went to their house for a party. They have a great big garden, and I had a lovely time running around it. Good job I did so much running around, what with all the cake I ate. Dad said I would get a sore tummy from eating so much cake. On the way home I told Mum and Dad, "my tummy is sore, it's full of cake!"

Other things to remember:

Asking, "is that a cut-grasser?" on hearing the sound of a lawn mower. She obviously didn't know the word, and it was interesting watching her try to piece together what the correct name might be from her existing vocabulary!

Shouting upstairs to me, "are you okay up there, Mummy?"

Correctly identifying the letters r ("it's in my name"), w, x, e, s, d and a without any pictures or prompting. She also knows c and k.

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