A moment in time...

By shellyd

Hockey season begins

Thank you all for the wonderful comments.

Last night I was so tired that I sort of threw photos together not really thinking about much.

Hockey season has started at school and it is one sport Brad (not in pic) is happy to participate in, unlike his brother, he hates soccer/football.

I spent more time playing with settings and lenses. I also need to find a 'Hockey for Dummies' book so that I can read up on the game. LOL - although kids aren't very predictable on Sports fields and I've given up chasing them around. I now stick to a spot and hope like crazy they'll head in my direction at some stage.

As you can see by the shorts and t-shirts that it was a rather mild winter's day here. Downhill to Spring, baby - yeah!!!

I was playing with the Shutter mode and thought this one of my nephew didn't come out to badly. Practise, practise, practice....not long now and I'll be going on that 'Fundamental Photography' course. Yippeeeeeeee!!

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