hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno


For the last two days we've had road resurfacers on the adjacent street making a lovely new surface on a previously pot holed bit of road. Lovely that may be, but this morning I went to my car to find this had happened. And that's just the start of the scratch (right through to the metal) - it goes the entire length of my car, and there is also a considerable amount of tar stuck to the car. So a fairly unequivocal sign that it was the road guys and their machines.

Cue endless phone calls to the council, which, 8 hours later, have resulted in nothing whatsoever.

One of the neighbours (who is himself enraged to have woken up to find new double yellow lines from his house to the end of the road, losing about 7 car spaces on our already very cramped road) advised me to ring the police. He says it's criminal damage, and the person who did it has driven away which is an offence. I must admit I hadn't thought of it that way but as I'm obviously going to spend most of the rest of my life trying to get through to the council, I might as well get them involved.

I know there are much more important things going on in the world, but the sense of injustice is surprisingly strong. I wouldn't dream of damaging someone's property and exiting the scene. Why have they?

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