Just Watch Your mouth... I Know Your Game
Dear Mr Computer-Hacker.
What you did was a "BAD" thing.
It doesn't matter that you try it on 100,000 people, and only 10 out of that bite, but you caught someone of mine yesterday, and that has annoyed me beyond belief.
My mum is older than me, much.
(If I write her age she'll complain, but I'm late 40s, and she was mid 20's when she had me, do the maths).
Do you know how many friends and family were in touch yesterday, concerned for her well-being?
Admittedly, some of them weren't surprised that she had "over-done it while on holiday, and needed help to get back home".
The other people who you told that she had been mugged and needed help with hospital bills and flight back home, were distressed and confused.
All of them wanted to check with me first to make sure she was okay.
Your first mistake, arsewipe, you picked on someone loved.
The only person who would have benefited from your scam was me! I could have said to anyone of the folk who called, "yes, just send me the money", and they would have! But I'm not like you. BAD!
You see, they all know she has a family who looks after her; people would ask us first, before they phoned a stranger.
Second mistake: Don't cross our family. Karma works very well for us - But if I was you, I'd be pretty damn scared.
So, sleep well Mr Computer-Hacker, you might not for much longer.
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