Only posting this because I quite like the shaft of red light on the swing. Not a bad view really, if you ignore the fact that I was standing in a big patch of nettles to take this, with little bugs feasting on my ankles.
Today started with an attempt to work at the site. And ended 10 minutes later driving Katherine to the nearest toilet. She seems to be getting better from the top down: so in her mind she's fit and well, but her lower intestines don't seem to have got the memo yet. So, quick bit of shopping and home for a day's gardening.
Actually, I'm sure the garden is grateful for our need to be near facilities today: all the plants have had a good dose of TLC - extra compost where needed, some anti-mildew spray for the courgettes and plant food all over. We have a baby aubergine (I'm so proud) and our baby melon is already the size of a kiwi fruit (they grow up so fast). I've finally faced up to the beetroot situation (90% of the seedlings having been eaten by mice) and have spread out the remaining ones, bolstered with a small tray of plug plants, so the plot is looking a bit more respectable now.
You might wonder at my not mentioning the big tomatoes for so long (not even in yesterday's backblip - hint) but that's just for want of tempting fate. It was so wet a few nights ago that I didn't put the plastic covers on, and all was well. So I left them off last night too. Now I've put this on blip, of course they'll all be eaten to the ground tonight. Not that I think the stem-eating rat is a blip lurker or anything (in fact I think s/he is probably one of the ex-rats now residing under a paving slab at the bottom of the garden to avoid them being eaten by birds of prey and thereby poisoning the birds) but, you know, fate ... tempting... etc.
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