While on my runs

By waipushrink

The passing of time

Is marked in various ways.

Clocks, watches, calendars and the like mark off the divisions which we find useful to organise aspects of our lives. This clock is showing that the morning is complete, and there is time before the next appointment to take a picture (or more) and have another coffee and something to eat.

This particular clock is also a marker of when I left the public sector, and began to work from this office. A new stage of life. An adventure which I share with others.

On the other two walls are another way in which the passing of time is marked for me. In those frames are the diplomas which will show, for those who look at them, how long I have been doing this work. They remind me of my younger self, who is still with me as a part of my older self. The joy of study has never left me.

Blipfoto is not formal study, and there is certainly no diploma (nor should there be). Instead there is the recognition at various "blipdays" for members from like minded people. As a result of joining this community, within me I have the happiness of contact with people in many places from many backgrounds each of whom is teaching me something about them, something about where they stay, and something about photography.

A happy way to mark each day (the passing of recorded time) with something personal, satisfying to do and perchance pleasing to view.

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