Blipaholic Deb

By BlipaholicDeb

The Camera So Does Lie!!


Look at them, butter wouldn't melt. You look at this photo and you would honestly think that they were completely angelic! Who says the camera never lies? This was just 2 shots later! (please excuse the supposedly poor quality, fb compression strikes again!)

I had major Peacock butterfly envy yesterday, so many beautiful peacock butterfly shots on blip. Thought I'd take myself back to where I captured last week's one. No luck this week though, we did our butterfly count, just 9 gatekeepers and a meadow brown.....very poor turnout considering last week!

R did find me a dragon fly to blip though, but I can't pass up a chance to blip the boys together as it very rarely comes up!

btw check out the difference in D (far left) this is him on Tuesday, can't believe he finally decided to get his hair cut, and after I stopped nagging him to do so!!! :D

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