Vive la Vie

By gillybxl

Anyone for golf?

Oh dear, poor little D is having a tough time. We were called again to come and collect him from the creche a little early. Good news is that he played quite nicely before his sleep and slept for an hour which is progress. He is just unbearable when he wakes up only to remember that he's not in his own cot and his soft Mummy isn't there to cuddle him!

This week, the hubby and I have been on a mission to sort and organise our home. We moved to Belgium nearly a year ago, so some boxes that weren't essential have remained unpacked. In between creche dramas, immunisations, trips out, naps (for D, not us unfortunately), we have been in flat pack heaven! I say heaven because we have really enjoyed it. What saddos. We've managed to assemble a chest of drawers, a couple of storage units and a large bookcase and we didn't fall out once! We are quite proud of ourselves as we now have a fully functioning, easily accessible basement where you can find whatever you need (we finally came across our wedding album, for example!). It has been quite therapeutic and now everything has a home. I so nearly blipped it! Saddo again. It really is the small things that make you happy.

So, this afternoon we had a well deserved trip to play crazy golf, as I call it, or mini golf as hubby and daughter call it. It was so much fun and O was surprisingly good and didn't lose concentration for the 18 holes. Okay so she has an interesting technique and she may use her feet sometimes but she was so enthusiastic! D on the other hand was content to try and chew the golf balls, walk on the greens and make loud duck noises (his new thing).

Thank goodness it's the weekend now, so no creche stress until Monday.

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