
Edinburgh is bursting at the seams with visitors at the moment and the Festival hasn't even started.
Gaggles of tourists on tours block the High Street and others looking confused stand stock still in the centre of the pavement reading maps .

It made negotiating with a buggy a precision operation, but Nina and I eventually made it through the crowds to have a foray into the newly refurbished museum, but we beat a hasty retreat in the face of the hordes of pushchairs and excited children. I don't think I've ever seen such bedlam in a space like that before.
However it did look exciting and will definitely be a place to visit when the crowds have dissipated a bit.

The afternoon saw a gathering of part of the clan when daughter #3 and granddaughter from Oman arrived in time to meet David77 who leaves tomorrow for Budapest, Glasgow daughter through in Edinburgh for a meeting, and Edinburgh daughter and granddaughter.

It was the first time the Dower House has seen such a crowd, but it passed with flying colours, especially as the weather meant we could eat and drink out on the patio.

With absolutely no time to myself today, this is a very hasty blip of my eldest granddaughter, Robynn, from Oman.

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