The Lookout
Take a look in large
I'm glad to report that it was the polar opposite kind of day today compared to yesterday. A bit like Wednesday, the skies cleared on my way back from the office to leave a beautiful evening. I decided to head up on to the moor for a long and gentle run. I've not done that in a while, and it's what I felt like I needed after another hard day. I love cycling but there is a purity and simplicity to running that is impossible to beat. And there is no better time to run on the moor than on a late summer evening. There is nobody about and you feel like you have the entire moor to yourself. In fact, I just about did have it all to myself!
I took quite a few sunset pictures, but in the end I really wanted to share this with you. I've always called this spot the lookout. The benches perched on a little hill above White Wells afford the most spectacular views of the town and the hills beyond. It's a great place to just sit and chill. I should really try to do that more often! I blipped this before here under very different light.
I'm aware that there are friends here I've not caught up with in a while now. It's late now and I've spent way too long sitting at the computer already today. Please forgive me again. I'll drop by over the weekend. It's been very much one-way traffic this last ten days so I especially appreciate all the great feedback you've given me. It means a lot.
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