Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe


Has anyone else found since the blip updates last week, that it does not like lengthy text - not lengthy in length, but lengthy in time taken? Twice this week.....
The delighfully witty entry I proposed has disappeared into blip-ether.

Now you will never know that I am driving to the homeland of blip tomorrow, and mooching aboot for a whole week, you won't know that I will probably have to back blip, and that my favourite holiday item is a Kikoy.

Nor will you know that I am taking my golf clubs, walking boots and swimming cozzie.

And I'm not repeating about cleaning out the fridge, the hens, and changing the bedsheets, all unnecessary, and how long it took to vallet the car.

There were no blip opportunities, until fortunately this majestic work horse steamed past.
Now we're both steaming! Grrrrr. Am off to bed, early start, heading for the Open Road, Poop Poop!!

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