Life with Gaia

By happyyoga

Mom and Chicks

I stayed quite far away so as to not bother them...not the best photo in the world...but ohhhh....I love this Mama and her chicks. I'm hoping her brood will stay large. I'm home worrying over them, which is really pointless, I know.

Computer problems computer fell into some other dimension at the shop and was almost never heard from again. It is back...not really fixed, but I do have an appointment to accompany it to be fixed next week. Sheesh... I don't think I'll be going there after my warranty runs out.

I hope to catch up with Blipland soon! Tonight I am exhausted, so off to bed.

(Edit: I am thinking this is a Muscovy Duck. These ducks have been here for a long long time and the Native American's had domesticated them long before "we" came here. Now they are being poisoned by developers and the government, and thought of as a bother, which they are not as they are beneficial to our environment and eat many pests.)

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