The Chaos Bros

By vik

Homeward Bound

As I packed up the car and some very sad Bros to start the long drive home Bro2 howled and howled. He, like the rest of us, was having a great week and his post holidays blues hit hard.

My post holiday blues got worse when the sat nav I borrowed from husband didn't want me to go the way I kind of knew and had driven a few times but on another route entirely. Once I realised this, albeit 10 miles past Banbury, I threw it in the back of the car ansd consulted the trusty AA Road Map. Half an hour later we were back on track. Well, that was until the car decided much like me, it wasn't a fan of the M6 afterall and went into a huff. Lovely RAC man to the rescue, some fancy tweeking with the help of his computer thingy and we were on the road again. Being a lone adult with 4 children puts one right to the top of the RAC rescue queue on a Friday afternoon :-)

The rest of the journey was uneventful thankfully and we stopped off for some much needed stretching of legs and refreshments here. This has to be the most attractive view any motorway services can boast.

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