A Peek Into My World

By faithfloats247

The forgotten Diet Coke

Ok, so this is probably the crappiest blip ever, but it was late, it's been gloomy and rainy all day, and I was at clinical (on OB!) all day soo... that's my excuse ;-)

When my in-laws were here we made sure to have their favorite "pop" (coke, cola, soda, whatever you choose to say) stocked in our fridge. Well, the weekend came and went and we forgot to send the rest of the Diet Coke home with them. And neither my husband nor I like Diet Coke. So there it sits. Lonely, Passed over for milk, juice, Mt. Dew (not mine, blech), or bottled water. Poor poor Diet Coke.

We'll find you a home soon.

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