
By Moonraker

Gwithian - on a busy summer's day

I know I've totally over processed this but I'm trying to make this look like a completely different shot.

If I'm allowed to prefer any of my own shots, it is my beach shots of little stick-like people. I'm particularly fascinated by how tiny we look and I love looking more closely at what people are doing once I've got the image uploaded onto my computer.

Take, for example, the surf school warming up bottom right of this image. The antics of the guys 8th and 9th from the right shouldn't be enjoyed in public, in full scorching daylight, surely?

And then, if you look almost halfway along the rock (that's just up from the centre of the image) there's someone doing well, what? What are they doing in that strange semi-crouching position with their hands looking like they're about to do, "one potato, two pototo, three potato, four..."?

And then, just left of him/her and directly above the rock, there's two little people. The left of those two little people just has to be ET, doesn't it?

Probably best viewed large to appreciate what I'm trying to explain.

I've possibly had too much sun today.

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