The Burger Boys....
...careful how you say that. Our Group Scout Leader, and all round top bloke, Dave threw a BBQ for the Scouty leader peeps and families today. It was a perfect scorchio day for guzzling beer and burgers....although I was driving, so I ingested much less of the former and much more of the latter. Dave also presented lovely water colour paintings to Helen (Assistant Cub Leader) and Colin (Scout Leader) as they are stepping down.
The younglings 'helped' in the kitchen shelter with BBQ cooking. Robbie, the adult chef and son-in-law of Dave, had the patience of a saint. He'd make a good Scout Leader.
Earlier, I performed some much needed repair work on my bike and cleaned the gutters......all good in the sunshine.
Congratulations to Mike and Zara from Constitution Street, Leith.
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