Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

Preston Marina.

I have been playing with my Kodak easyshare. It has a panarama option. I'm sure that someone out there in photoland knows how to use this effect properly. I look forward to hearing from them. In the meantime, I will keep having a bash. During my serious gardening days, I remember what it said in the Chiltern Seed Catalogue. Opening the seed packets and sowing the seed goes a long way towards enjoying your gardening. I can't remember the exact words, I'm afraid, too much amber nectar has passed through my gullet over the years and has done it's best to demolish what few grey cells I originally posessed. Anyway the gist is is, just do it. It's no good having a camera and keeping it in a drawer, keep it with you, when you can. I know that some companies take a dim view to taking one in to work. Wuss that I am, the idea of nicking someones bank details has never entered my head, and it never would, whatever the circumstances. Rant over.

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