Wild jellyfish

Crikey what a day - I am now sitting just about sensible with a large g and t. Towers of cheese and tomato sandwiches made by 9.30, posh but pesky gazebo erection started at 10am and stuff arranged artfully at 11, home at 6.15pm wrecked. The regatta got off to a soggy start - wet drizzle and greyness but by the time we returned home the sun was shining fiercely. Business was steady but not spectacular, a quieter year than normal but the atmosphere was jolly. There are only about 14 races but they seem to take all day, and there is only one kind of boat involved - a four man/woman skiff plus cox. They row out into the bay then hurtle back. In between brave souls leap into the water for the swimming races and the grand finale is a raft race - all home made affairs. There is also a rather un-pc duck race when the live duck, wings trimmed, is thrown into the water and pursued by over-excited youths. There are also lots of rather sweet side shows- hit the rat, plastic duck race and my favourite this year - bash an old car with a mallet - 3 bashes for 1 euro! The car, a Honda, stood up to the bashes in a most impressive manner! We were sandwiched in between Suzie's Thai food and a home made ice cream stall so were very well fed.

This is the water the swimmers were leaping into - clearish but quite full of jellyfish. An American lady was getting very excited by her first ever sighting of 'wild' jellyfish!

That's it, time for another gin and the papers.

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