
Oh yes that's us for sure ;-) Saturday saw the very long awaited finale to our Come Dine With Me nights. Taking just over 2.5 years to complete it kind of highlights that between the six of us we couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery we have hectic schedules.

Peopletwitcher was the charming hostess for the evening and she spoilt us rotten with not one, but five courses all cooked to perfection. The Lemon and Asparagus rissotto was divine and the selection of puddings which wound up the meal was to die for. I wont eat for a week. This was all washed down with the usual helpings of wine and laughter.

We can now look forward to our next night where the winner will be decided. This will involve reviewing the video (we have scored each night on the night) and then the big reveal :) If only just one of us could remember a single score we made....just as well we have the documentary evidence

A fab night in - thanks Gail x

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