Such a perfect day

Nick headed off with the boys for a weekend of mountain biking. You would be forgiven for thinking they were going for a week, the amount of gear that went too. Nick assured us it was all essential and Murron said 'Even the beer?'

The girls and I spent an hour or so in town buying a few bits in preparation for school and then headed to the beach. I am not used to sharing any beach locally with many people, and by East Lothian standards it was packed. We had a cunning plan and walked the coastal route to a wee bay with a sandy beach which we shared with one other family. It was bliss. The girls and I made a heart from shells collected and then sat back to watch people's reactions as they passed by. Most would walk past and then retrace their steps before getting out phones to take a picture. There is something very compelling about about heart shapes.

The girls rock pooled, shell gathered and paddled. I read a while, but mostly soaked up the warmth of the sun feeling very happy to be there. For once I really felt in the moment.

Feeling decidedly hungry we checked the time and found it was almost 8.30, so we packed up and made a bee line for the fish and chip shop. We were famished and ate our chips as we made our way home. Strawberry Swing by Coldplay was playing and we sang along belting out the words when it came to 'such a perfect day.'

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