....after the boys of Summer......

finish the match, this is what they do....sit and drink tea and coffee and discuss the match etc etc.

Today much of the talk was about the weather.....it was very warm and sticky.....oppressive my Mum would have called it.

If you look at the picture you'll see why different people had different ideas about how hot it was....Shaun, Roy and Mark are wearing t-shirts, Gordon is in a hoodie, Charlie has on a waterproof jacket..................and Sam is wearing jeans with a waterproof bib and braces set on top, a t-shirt, a sweat shirt, a fleece and a waterproof jacket on top. Guess who was the warmest!

Because it was so hot the fishing wasn't great ............but it was better than being dragged round Asda or somewhere similar.

The Boss is off to see her Dad for a couple of days, the Daughter is at work....and I get a couple of days peace and quiet.............unfortunately not tomorrow.....I need to go in to work.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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