Bridge of Remembrance

It ain't pretty but it's my city.

I ventured to the cordon today. This is what confronts us. People are quiet, either silent or speak in hushed tones.

The experts have identified 7 faultlines beneath us. Some have moved others haven't. No one really knows what will happen next. There may even be other faultlines the experts don't know about which could jolt into action and make their presence known.

I live within an area with an almost box shape of faults surronding me on 3 sides. The 4th side has another fault angled across it. They are anything from 3 - 11 kms away, in other words nearby. Then there are the myriad of faults beyond the city, across the plains, to the north of us, the west and south. The biggest of all the Alpine Fault. I don't dwell on any of them. I have my life to live.

Seismic activitiy is less on day to day basis but we aren't through this yet. That isn't negative thinking, just realistic. The challenge is to find the opportunity, beauty and gratitude.

So we live our lives adjusting to a new normal, with a greater appreciation of life and healthy knowledge that we can control very little in this life.

That aside I catch up with the hunter tonight :-)

Yesterday's blip - Glass layers

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