Snippets of Life

By betho

Istanbul from the Sky

7.20am saw me on the coach to Heathrow. Everything went pretty smooth, i found Gareth, we went in, wasted time in duty free playing monopoly on a show Ipad.
The first plane was great, Istanbul airport was a hot sticky rush and the second plane... well, let's just say it swiftly took our opinion of Turkish Airlines back to the low expectations we'd had at the start.
We finally got to Nairobi where we were unfortunate to choose the worst queue ever to get through customs. What with people not having any money, not having filled in the right forms, having Irish notes they wouldn't except... and then even when we made it the guys computer crashed. So we were the last ones there after i guess at least an hour and we'd already been a little delayed, i felt so bad for the poor driver guy.
We arrived at St Benadicts, the monastery place we're staying at around 4.30am where the cheery monk guy 'Brother Joseph' met us and happily told us there were Americans staying who were having breakfast at 6 but we didn't have to get up then, we could have it at, maybe, 8. Obviously this was still grossly optimistic but in fact when we finally turned up around 11.30 they still fed us something. I guess this now counts as Friday though so I'll move on....

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