just things

By faeriesigh

Feeding Time

Can you believe it's August already? This year seems to be flying past - scarey!

Anyway, another Monday and it was time for my monthly bloods & 6 monthly medication review so I was up fairly early to get to the doctor's surgery. I'd actually been awake since about 3.30am thanks to Arwen's hamster, Houdini, Spartacus deciding in the early hours to re-enact "The Great Escape" and getting stuck under the bookcase in my bedroom! Damn that hamster and his ninja-like escaping skills!

So, I'm somewhat dozey this afternoon. Still, the sun was shining & on the way back from the doc's I spotted this little duck pond with various ducks & other water fowl diving into a big pile of chopped up bread. After many failed attempts I managed to get a snap of this little guy being fed by his mama :)

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