The only one of these...
...on the mint today.
I'm a bit of a sucker for 'the only one of these', whether it's an item of clothing on a rail in a shop or an insect in the garden. If it's the only one of a kind, I think it must surely be special! I'm clearly an adperson's dream!
('Roll up, roll up, get your goldfish 'ere; every one a swimmer'.)
I've tried to identify it anyway, and I've been unable. One day I shall find out how to do this properly, without simply googling things like, 'fly a bit like a hoverfly but with stripy wings and a tail uk'!
I know, I know, this is not scientific. (And sometimes this approach can lead down most peculiar avenues. Don't even ask.)
The mint found itself the object of much desire today. Insect life abounded both in and around it.
On a more domestic level, I'm experiencing coffee withdrawal since the Vienna trip.
Yet whilst there I longed for nothing but a brew. Contrary Mary.
I suppose this might rest my case concerning seeking the unusual?
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