A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Can't help himself!

In response to the cries of horror when I said I would be going to the gym today, you will be unsurprised to know that I ignored advice to the contrary! Got up this morning, did 10k on the bike and 40 minutes weights and felt much better for it. I always come back a few pounds lighter, toned and healthier. That is what it's about.
The rest of the day has been spent largely reading and sunbathing, whilst Corin went for a bike ride, a haircut and then dismantled the bike
Mum supervised.
See the hands sort of on hips. Yep - that's the supervisory pose.
Once he's done, I am certain he is going to canvas the neighbours for jobs to do!
Me - gym, sunbathing, vodka. That's all !!

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