shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Double celebration

I've done it, 100 blips in a row - only two were back blips, and both were posted on the day after they were taken and before the blip for that day, so I'm quite proud of myself. I had some ideas about what to blip today, though having seen so many fantastic 100th/200th... blips, the pressure was on! I decided to keep it simple and use some numbers adding up to 100 on coins, so the obvious ones to pick were Russian - hence we have 10x10 ruble coins, showing either ancient Russian cities, the Great Patriotic War (what the Russians call WW2) and one with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (it seemed a good option for a Scot to choose!). But then on the way home I stopped in WH Smith after dropping the post in for work to look for something to read on the way home and found a copy of the new Photography for Beginners magazine. This is special as it includes one of my photos. To be honest they are bending if not breaking the truth to say it was submitted via Flickr, because I got an e-mail from them asking if they could use it when they saw it in my Digital Photographer gallery, but it is on Flickr and I do have an account there, and I did tell them that and they want folk to submit that way, and it being issue 1 they don't exactly have a store of submissions to choose from! They've also cropped it a bit - if you want to see the full picture, look here. Because it's Readers' Photos I didn't get paid for it, but it's still nice to see my work in print! I decided to blip both things and call it a double celebration day!

I've loved these 100 days of blip life, thanks to all who have viewed, commented, given stars or favourites to the sometimes frankly bizarre snapshots of my life. It's been great to see so many other shots from all over the world and get glimpses into your lives too - thank you for letting me and the rest of the blipworld in!

So what's in store for the next 100???

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