Five things

By fivethings

Pure raincloud of sorrow

1. Not sure what I am going for with the picture. Maybe I'm feeling on the floor, a part from the crowd. Maybe I'm just panic snapping something at the last point to get a photo in the real world and as the weather is so heavy and grey the crowd waiting for the train seems like the best option. Who knows. Something to think about at least.

2. On the train I'm near a group of teenagers. Normally I try to avoid this at all costs and that goes double as this lot are eating Burger King, which honks. But weariness, sogginess and lack of space plonks me down. As they talk like really like loudly like totally like. I hear one ask another 'what's with you and your pure rain cloud of sorrow?' Which is a very pretty turn of phrase.

3. My diet of champions continues. I go from two and half meals in five days to a chicken chasni and nan from the place on the corner. I like to keep my body on its toes.

4. I'm friends with spotify again. It's been months. We both got cross, one of us said lots of things in anger that they didn't really mean, one of refused point blank to recognise a login and allow the other to sign up again. But today we made peace.

5. Which meant I spent the morning with the very excellent new album by Jonnie Common on the headphones. It's called Master of None and it's ace. Totally ace. I reckon he's set to hit the big time, he deserves it. It's there right now to listen to, all you have to do is speak nicely to a certain website.

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