Gerda's Fotojournaal

By Gerda

The lighthouse of Ameland

I'm very late with my Blip today. This morning started early at 5 to go to the north of Holland. My sister lives in Leeuwarden and together we travelled to the shore to catch the boat for the island Ameland. We passed the Waddensea by boat. Biked through the dunes, walked over the beach. Had lunch in a beachhouse. Biked over the dyke next to the Waddensea. Went to the Nature Museum. Totally I think we biked over 30 km. My skin is all burned of the sun. I have beautiful pictures. The most I enjoyed the smell of the dunes and the smell of the waddensea. It has been more than 8 years that I could visit one of the islands. And together with my sister I did it. And it was perfect.

I choose the lighthouse. I like lighthouses, I had one blipped before of Denmark and maybe in the future I will blip more of them.

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