Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

All drawn out.

Okay so i know the editing is pretty shocking in places....again. This was all a bit rushed and my first atempt at cutting out or rendering as i'm led to believe it's called.

I have to admit this idea isn't completely mine. Which i'm not proud of, but all the work is my own. It took me about 2 hours lastnight. Along with a lot of blood, sweat, tears, swearing and paddys.

I don't think it turned out to bad. All i need now is ideas for what to do next. I was discussing it with my nearest and dearest, i said maybe i could do a picture of myself doing a handstand on the shed roof or in the Viv with my snake maybe diving into the dogs bowl. To which she responeded with could you put a goat on top of Boston stump?

Erm no.

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