Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

Oral B.

Sad person that I am, I thought this gizmo on my electric toothbrush is great. I haven't used it for a while, and probably won't be using it again soon if I can't find the charger. My dentist advised me to get one, and I must admit that because it times you for 2 minutes and then gives you a nice smiley face, your teeth do feel really clean. Even for a thicko like me, I can understand the simple logic. I don't have my glasses on in the morning when I am doing my ablutions, although it would be probably safer perhaps when I am shaving. Anyway I diversify.Because I don't have my specs on, I hadn't noticed the little icon blinking away on the toothbrush. It shows a two pronged plug moving down the screen, and an empty battery, and then the word EMPTY writ large. As I say, even for someone as intellectualy challenged as me, I get that. Isn't that fantastic.
Now, can someone explain to me how they get the little date stamper inside the chickens.All answers on a postcard please, or on the back of a sealed down envelope.

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