
By magpie

What a tube

Not wishing to make fellow family health nut Lady F feel lonely, I have joined her in the ageing process with a blip of the only thing I'm likely to do today - chill.

Ongoing scary blood pressure readings have led me to have a 24 hour monitor thingy which involves having to wear a cumbersome pack, beep every half hour and inflate, causing alarm to at least one lady at the grapefruit section of Tesco this morning.

I am hoping that all will be well and that I have been suffering from white-coat syndrome as opposed to predicting an early grave. Lovely as my GP is, however, he is not one to cause me to swoon with lust, but I do suspect he is causing my heart to race.

There's nothing for it but to cut down on all the lovely things and indulge in a more healthy lifestyle. I have seen this on the forum and am vaguely interested.

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