
By Frontier

Keep Pushing

Calvin Harris - Flashback

Although we take on many forms, we are important. No matter how insignificant we may feel, we are needed. The pure energy that burns inside is formless and can never be stopped. The great person we thought we once were no longer exists but is now a great spirit of inspiration for others, beyond the peripherals of our limited vision.

The mother, the father, the friends, the enemies, the drunken, broken man on the street are to us what must be. The rich, the poor, the common and the unique. Such labels are limitless in meaning but only mere words.

No matter what values we place on excellence and expectation, we function for the greater good of all. There is purpose. The naysayers only drive you forward as you do they; a continuous relationship of progress, moving forward, where ever that may be.

We must breakthrough, keep pushing and live.

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