Lali's World

By Lali

Do you trust me?

Everything is getting ready for the Edinburgh festivals. Today they started the military Tattoo rehearsals, they put up all the cylindrical posts where they stick all the festival flyers and they set up the entrances to the Royal Mile area where all the stuff is going to take place. You can smell the atmosphere! The Fringe Festival starts tomorrow! It's a huge festival: in their own words, 258 venues, 21,192 performers and 607 free shows!! The programme is so thick that it feels daunting just to just look at it! If you are in Edinburgh, it's just right on your face, you can't avoid it, and that's why this will be my next theme.

However, these street performers are in the Royal Mile all year round. They are not strictly part of the festival, but they really heat up the atmosphere! I feel a bit sorry for the poor guy lying on the floor. He's being very brave! Good on him!

Sticky humid weather today in Edinburgh. It rained a bit but not enough to clear the close atmosphere. Hopefully it will get better tomorrow because, I'm off!! :)

Tomorrow I'm going to the Opening Reception of the National Museum of Scotland. Really looking forward to seeing the new look of it! I've heard very good things about it!

Thanks very much for your nice comments and stars for yesterday's blip! I hope you all had a nice day! :)

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