Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

The Emergency Blip Man

I finally got to meet him today.

I have not been able to leave the house all day due to toe injuries from THE race ( back blipped

a bit more here
and finally here )
and being on another planet still, I am not tuned into Blip at the moment. The running event has had such a profound impact on me that I am not thinking straight ( many may argue that this is not a recent event ).. so I really did have to call the powers of the Emergency Blip service.

I called 999 told them I was desparate, I had a racing pulse, full anxiety sweats and was going into melt down about having nothing to blip. They told me the blip truck would be here soon and not to panic. As I waited for what seemed ages, I was worried they weren't coming, there are cut backs at the moment and what if David Cameron is privatising the Blip Emergency Services and selling them to a company who knows nothing about the intracies of the Blip service??

Luckily he came along, gave me a mars bar, gave me an IV shot to make me remember how to use my camera and then allowed me to take his shot. My pulse gradually came down from 250 and the sweats have stopped.

Phew.. I was saved the shame of social collapse and ostrasication from not having a blip in my journal for August 2nd

Right back to trying to save my toes... and then I am finally going to catch up with 5 days of all your journals, this may be a longer feat than the race!!



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