Another Day

By pcc

Model Yachts

The weather we are having of late - you would never know that it is winter. Wonderful sunshine.
Dups and I went 'touring' to places that I had not been too for a long time. We had a look around Kaiapoi, and a bite of lunch and then went to 'The Groynes' a great place with rivers, lakes and trees.
We found the Model Yacht Club sailing out there - their normal place is in the middle of Hagley Park at Lake Victoria, but the Earthquake, and the liquefaction emptied their lake.
When we arrived back home again I found that I did not have my glasses!
Oh dear - not again!!!! (bugger bugger bugger) Rushed back out there after saying goodbye to Dups (thanks for visiting we had a great time).
I was so fortunate - but I found them - whew!
I had Amber with me this time, so I settled my nerves by taking her for a walk in the Dog Park.

Have Club tonight, so may not be able to comment until late.

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