
Lazy day with a wee journey up the coast.

We got as far as Helmsdale and sat in a heavy shower watching an otter feed in the river mouth. The otter played and fished as salmon leapt around.

Then we travelled slowly back down the coast stopping at various tourist spots for the ladies.

We reached Dornoch for a stroll round and I got a book to read. One lady thought that my mother was my wife, it made her laugh.

A wlak round Canmore woods with Juno and then I met up with an old pal. It was great catching up with him again.

Back home and Eco son and I went out for an evening cast on the local loch. We did not manage to catch anything but it was continuing learning process for the boy.

On holiday I always try and get a loaf of plain bread as my mum enjoys it toasted. When we were young my brother used to carefully open the grease proof paper wrap and take out the heels at both ends for himself and them carefully wrap it up again. The heels were the best.

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