Clark Tales

By cclark

Cougar Town Sisters

A cheeky half day at work meant a beautiful Sunday roast with Mum and Daddio at the new place in town I've been meaning to go to for weeks - Grill 48! It was good but I think I need to head back for an evening meal.

Back to show off the changes to the flat and play the hostess, forgetting to make the tea and actually asking my dad how he takes his coffee, what is wrong with me? Minimal sleep that's what!

A wee rest was then had with some 'Romancing the Stone' coutesey of E4! Before heading to Khushis, thanks to Gem and Jo's invite to their mums birthday meal!

Best random night ever Gem and Jo are like the sisters I never had and I Adore them! I had met some of their aunts but never all of them at once- here are the top 5/6 of the sisters! Well thanks Ladies for your interest, Intrigue, laughs, advise, honesty, alcohol and a damn good night out oh and lets not forget the Dancing! A night out where Claire Suzy and I were the only ones left standing from a group of 9! X

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