Nell's World

By nell2803

River Walk

Sunny and warm today so cancelled our plans to go out as didn't want to be stuck in the car on such a nice day.

Took the dog for a walk around the river early this morning. The light was lovely and she went for a paddle in the water. Didn't meet another soul and it was so peaceful. She gets so excited when she is out, well actually about anything so we can't let her off the lead as she just will not come back. Typical strong willed terrier.

Therefore, this shot is deceiving as it looks like she is standing quietly looking at the water. The reality is that this was a second caught quickly before she ran to see what else there was on the riverbank.

Took various landscape shots too, but just don't seen to be able to 'do' interesting landscape. I loved how the light was shining on Roxy and think it just feels llike a warm summery image.

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