Me, myself & I

By AlisonMM

Royal College of Surgeons

This is the rather imposing entrance to the Royal College of Surgeons in Lincoln's Inn. What I did learn when I googled it was that the College at one time was united with the Company of Barbers. Now I understand Sweeney Todd!!

Lots of people guessed who was in my blip from yesterday. Here are some more:

Antony Gormley - bottom far right sprawled on chair
Vanessa-Mae - top far right

Text to the OM this morning: "Laptop has died and bike needs a service! Help!

I'm a bit p****d off with the laptop as it's less than 2 years old. Will take it to be repaired but this means I have no internet access at home.

The good news is Joe's latest blood test shows his thyroid problem hasn't worsened, as thought by different vet last week. Just need to take him for a weigh-in next week to see if he's lost any more weight.

I went a bit subscription-mad yesterday. I seem to have found lots of new interesting people like Liz a missionary in Thailand working for an organisation helping women get out of the sex industry. And Jennifer an A-level student from Belfast waiting to go Uni.

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