Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Happy birthday sunshine ....

And for the first time in four years we have sun on Lucys birthday ... Last year it was 11degrees and the bouncy castle foamed up with fairy liquid that someone decided to 'clean' the castle with it foamed due to stair rod type rain ... The kids went blue with cold and I had an attack of the vapours and took to my bed ....
Got back at 12 midnight last night and by he time we got in and patted all the pets it was 1am... We are all a bit testy ...
I can see all the fabulous comments you have left and this evening will catch up as much as I can HOWEVER I HATE BT .. they have cocked up our broad band and given our home phone number to a new customer ... :O now we have no home phone or Internet ... So everything shall be done on the I phone ...

Roy ..... RYAN AIR WERE HATEFUL .. But we survived the wheelie challenge with ease and shall do it every time ;)

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