Daffs Snaps

By Daff

What a difference a year makes!

This time last year I signed up to Blipfoto and immediately panicked when I realized I had to post a photo and it was p***ing down with rain! Undeterred I opened the kitchen door and snapped this scene! and that was the beginning of an incredible journey transforming me from a 'snapper' to a 'Blipper'

Over the past twelve months I have:-

Bought a new camera
Discovered the Macro setting
Learnt new words - blipbank, blipmeet, blipsnap etc.
Made lots of new friends
Met some fellow Blippers (hope to meet some more)
Introduced friends to Blip (Dolly Mixtures)
but most of all it has opened my eyes to the world around me and given me a purpose in life.
Thank you so much Blipcentral for making this possible and thanks to all those who follow my journal sprinkling stars here and there and occasionally putting me on the spotlight page.
Thankyou Emy for introducing me to this wonderful place.
I still miss Molly who gave me so much encouragement from day one - RIP Molly.

Right, I've got a slice of chocolate orange cake to eat, then I'm off out with friends this evening to celebrate my Blipday!!
The rest of the cake will be in the fridge if anyone wants to drop by for a slice!! Enjoy!

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