3 Generations

Our son, daughter and youngest Grand G have spent the summer here in the PNW and it has been wonderful! They arrived in town on June 3 and are heading back to VA in the morning...and we all of course will be very sad to have them leave! We have so enjoyed having them around for such a long period of time and of course getting to know and watch our newest Grand G develop over the past 2 months.

I took this 3 generation picture tonight of my husband (who was 30 when our son was born), our son (who was just a few months shy of being 30 when his daughter was born), and Grand G who turned 5 months old today. To add to the fun of their ages, my mother-in-law was 30 when my husband was born.

I know that tomorrow will be a sad day for me...as it always is when the kids leave...I feel the same way my mom used to feel about the quietness of our house after all the activity...but already looking forward to seeing them again soon.

I ran across this poem the other day and thought it was appropriate to add to the end of this entry:

A house is more than paint and walls, a ceiling and floors. A house is a history of all those people that it sheltered and when we move away (or leave after a visit), we leave behind us the persons we were then, the prints of our fingers on a door frame, the marks on the floor we walked, the whisper of our voices and all those things that were done and said.

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