Dancing Karamel

By Dancingkaramel

If walls could talk!

We were on the way home from our camping trip up North. Whilst travelling through the town of Crieff we stopped at the traffic lights on the high street. I just happened to look up, grabbed my camera, I could not believe my eyes. I thought how lucky to have witnessed this in the passing just before it looked like it was about to be demolished.

A few days later, I was still wondering why someone would leave books on a shelf, it all seemed so sad. I managed to zoom in and see that there was a dictionary, a gardening book and even a hi-fi. The thought crossed my mind that maybe the person left in a hurry and was unable to take their belongings.

I decided to Google Crieff High St to see if there had been a gas explosion etc. Not expecting to find anything, I was totally amazed to find a similar photo and a story on the BBC News website. What was even more spooky was this had happened in June however the article was published on the same day as I took the photo.


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