This is Chopstix

The conference was good. Not what I thought it would be, more about communication styles, personality differences, Reporter/Relater (I am a heavy relater, need to hone my reporter skills), and some organization and negotiations thrown in.

We were asked to think about influential people that have been in our lives and what their qualities were. We were asked to think of an influential person that is in our live right mind went straight to my hubby. Now I have never went into depth about our beginnings, but never would I have thought back then, that I would think my love would be someone that would come first to my mind. But, it did and I realized that all the years of not working, finally worked. So I text him and told him "I appreciate you!!! We had to think of an influential person in our life now and I thought of you" He text back, "wow, I am humbled by that".

Tonight over dinner he told me that at work, his department was working on a part. He works in inspection and he tests tolerances on parts that are machined in the shop. They had to get this 'I will call it a thing, for lack of the correct terminology, over the part to check to make sure that it is up to standard. It had to slip over this piece or the piece could be scrapped or would have to be reworked. He said there were several of them working for a good half hour. People would go by saying "How many inspectors does it take.....", nay-sayers and negative Nels giving them a hard time, when all of a sudden, it slipped right on. It went up and down and was a perfect fit. He told me that 'that is us, we have always been the right fit, we just didn't know how to line up our selves just right, but when we finally did, and it works. There were people that would come by and discourage us and frown on our marriage, but in the end, with patience, tenderness and perseverance, it worked. Of course, I get all teary-eyed, but when I saw his eyes fill as well, of course my heart was warmed all the more. All this from an Administrative Conference. It will be 31 years of marriage on August 16. We have had our trails, perils, pain and joys, but here we are on the other side and we just fit. And like he said, we always have, we just didn't line ourselves up right.


Reason for the cat mom sent us a sweet care package from their trip to Alaska. She sent us goodies, among those was a Northern Lights pendant and earrings. I took about 20 pictures of it, trying to get the sunlight to hit it, but the breeze was blowing and I never got a good shot. I manage to get Chopstix to lay still (she is camera shy), I think it was due to the heat, she indulged the paparazzi. JoJo on the other hand, was up in my face, bumping the camera and my arm. "You can have your turn next time I am in an emergency blip situation".

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