
By treegonk


Vans, vehicles, visors and visions of the weekend. - None of those.

It's a viaduct. A thing which vias use as a duct. A very long and archy thing that vies for viable verification as a vehicle thing, rather than a very long archy thing that just looks like a picture of a child learning to write the letter 'n' or 'm'.

Very glad I'm verging on the final vista of this very silly alphablip thing.

Missed the light on the way home by 5 minutes. This pic was taken after trudging through a field of mud in my work shoes that have been ruined, mainly because of lunchtime blippings.. only to find there was a track leading up the aforementioned 'v' thing that my car could have gotten up.

The light was shining on the uprights just 5 minutes ago. A plane just flew over 5 minutes ago and a train choo chood passed 5 minutes ago. Should have been there 5 minutes ago then.

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